Friday, June 15, 2012

i'll start at the end...

the end

my god, it has been so long since i blogged. not quite sure what happened, but it just felt like so much had happened, and so much time had passed, that i didnt even know where to begin.

so here it begins...

ummm.... so, about a month ago i went to Dartmouth for the Dart Music Festival. I seemed to only take pictures of furniture, doorways, and my dog... so here are some pics of me n harry drinking odd beverages. it'll have to suffice.

oh i also took some photos from the castle....

bought a kickass wooden tankard for simon, who i met for a roast as soon as i got back to london. he fashioned it well.... haha

we were chucking loose change in it. he sounded like a 1 man band. 

the weekend after, i went to a comicon... with Hana and her beau, Jim.

more odd drinks...

one half of the bakewell brothers wrestling hana...

hana and jonathon ross (lmao... good effort)

me n jimmy carr who i totally fancy and am a little in love with.

love this...

oh, and i got simon's deadpool comics signed by ian churchill, and we started chatting about pencils, and i ended up holding up the queue coz he drew me a SKETCH! too awesome.

so then the week after that, me and kerry went to the south of france for a week, staying with my dad...

the first day we drove into spain...

crazy buildings, absolutely stunning.

there's some sorta pilgrimage running through the area we were in, and needless to say.... a hell of a lot of religious artwork n stuff. (pun intended). beautiful churches and cathedrals, i took so many photos...

there's too much to say about france. it was amazing. i'll leave it at that... and just post more pics...

ferris bueller tribute. 10 points to kez for keeping a straight face. especially if u could see the group of decrepid old farts on the tour with us!

the food. my god.... THE FOOD!

twas my dads birthday while we were over, and i am pretty sure he think i forgot. little did he know i can prepared, and me n kez blew up a whole pack of ballons at 2 am for him to discover when he woke up in the morning. 

got back to london, it was raining, and i found out some shitty news that i wont go into.... but i got the WICKEDEST package at work my first day back from Kaye :)
totally awesome.

right, seems the work day is over, and i no longer have internet at home... so til next time....