Friday, December 31, 2010

time flies

So, again, sorry for the lack of blogs. I spent Jesus-Christ-Mas on the Isle of Wight, and it's not dissimilar to my gaff in the aspect of no internet. In other ways.... it's ummm.... different.

Was a nice train ride down to Portsmouth...

By the time we got on the ferry it was dark, so no cross-sea photos, but i'm sure y'sll will manage.

Milo got festive...

Milo met a donkey....

Milo was cold...

Milo wasn't so keen on the freezing ocean...

(are you noticing a pattern here?)

Anyways, aside from being a great trip for milo, it was a nice getaway. I'm not gonna lie, i couldn't wait to get back to somewhere with open pubs and familiar faces.... but it was a relaxing few days.

Was nice to see the nieces again... I know everybody says this kinda stuff, but i'm always amazed at how much they've grown!

Aren't they adorable?

 Had to be the soberest Christmas i've had in about 10 years... but Punxmas made up for that when i got back!

It's an old tradition with my mates, and although a bunch o' people couldn't make it.... the turn out was still pretty good.

was a long night... long long night.... and Pieman, i can't even remember what that film we watched was even about. sorry.

Anyways, this is the last post of 2010.... so have a good new years... I'm gonna try (although crowds annoy me immensely, as do drunk people i don't know, as do women who take forever to piss and hold up cues, as do bar cues 4 people deep.) so wish me luck, and to anyone heading to La Grande Rouge tonight... please....piss quick, try to get out of my way and please please PLEASE..... no incessant squealing.


Thursday, December 23, 2010


Will from the Unloved came in yesterday to get some filler in his upper thigh. we were talking the night before bout doing a party hat coz he recently broke his edge after what i can only imagine as a very long 11years.... we ended up doing this....

so me n ross exchanged gifts today coz tomorrow we are heading off to the isle of wight. he got me these.....

ross showed me a few of the t shirts/hoodies he's been doing for me. they are looking pretty sick if i may say so myself. 

and the sleeve print....

and ...

he's also done the dog print on t shirts but i didn't have time to take more photos this morning!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Bad Santa, good gifts

So it's been a long few nights.... 1st up was the Big Red's Jesus Christ-mas do. They had an awesome AC/DC covers band play.... didn't get any great photos.... but you get the idea.....

Ben as Santa....

So enough of that night.... 

The Flamin' 8 x mas do was Saturday night.... and we exchanged gifts at the shop before copious amounts of alcohol were consumed, and before copious amounts of shouting at incompetent waiters peppered the night.

I got the coolest presents EVER. 

So Naresh got me these.....

James got me this....

Kirsty got me these (anyone who spends more than an hour with me at any given point in time will realise that Mountain Dew is my main sustenance.)

I've never even seen "Mountain Dew white out" before. It almost feels sacrilegious to drink it! 

And Harry got me the "wickedest" gifts too! 

a super awesome cigarette holder (i've wanted one of these for so long... all the ones i find always smell like old smoky dead lavender infused ladies) and a grouse foot brooch.  too cool for school.

Thanks everyone! You're alright you are!

Friday, December 17, 2010

they dont call it flamin' 8 for nothing....

so heres what happened at work today.....

you can never have too many t shirts

so these are the mock ups.... (don't worry any of you grammatical buffs out there..... the apostrophe has been bumped up to its righteous position. didn't have time yesterday when i posted the preview.)

i think the dog print on black will be in discharge so it's not a heavy print. the eye on black will be in white, some in silver, and some in gold (fancy eh?)

will be sure to post pics when i get a few in my possession.... 

good stuff.

Thursday, December 16, 2010


So last night we went to go see the awesome Bob Wayne and Scott Kelly play at the 12 bar.  Unfortunately i didn't have a camera... so you'll have to take my word for it. Anyways, it was a really awesome show, and even a drunk guy pissing in the corner of the room didn't put a dampener on the night.

Here's some videos for y'all to feast your eyes on... (face book users will have to go HERE to view)

Unfortunately i couldn't find any good quality videos of either men, so these'll have to do....

In other news, i think i've designed the other t shirt i'm getting done.... I think i'm gonna use this for sleeve or back prints on other designs too.... Hopefully I'll have some shirts ready in time for the Brighton convention. I'm pretty sure i still have some prints laying around too, so there'll be lots of goodies for all o' y'all needle-phobes/broke asses.

not necessarily the final version, but thought I'd share.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Blood, sweat n tears

So this is what i dun today... gotta say, she struggled..... boy did she struggle.... even managed to squeeze a few tears out! Bless her... we got it all lined though, so it should be easy sailing for her from now on.

we'll be covering up that fairy top left with a peony in the new year. 

Anyways, it's been a long day... long long day. Had a nice relaxing day off yesterday, and got up to some serious top secret shenanigans... which i'm not allowed to talk about.

So yeah, really got nothing left to say! Til next time!

Friday, December 10, 2010

mulder & skully

No Mulder here i'm afraid, but definitely a little Skully action....

Here's one of todays doings...

and sides....

and a cover up thrown in the mix for good measure too. 

Had fun with this one. I'm liking the look of black n grey with colour low lights/ high lights. 

gotta keep it short n sweet before my next guy gets here... so til next time y'all!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

i'm not indecisive... or am i?

So i've been trying to decide what to do on my newest t shirts...... i think this is gonna be one....

it'd be on black with a white key line i think.... doesn't work in negative coz the pupil looks really weird.

so then i drew this...

 but i reckon it's a bit too cluttered, and probably a tad generic...

and i'm not keen on negative either...

so... hmmm.... i dunno.

i'll figure something out i'm sure. Maybe a wizard riding a unicorn... or maybe a mer-monkey... or an impaled heart of some kind..... argh, i hate deciding what to put on t shirts!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


So, healed photo got e mailed through from young Darius. Gotta be honest, still can't believe we did all the colour in 1 sitting. He musta taken pretty awesome care of this cat coz it's healed so insanely bright and solid. good stuff.

That's one hell of a first tattoo. Champ.

tat for the masses

Don't be fooled by seemingly blatant correlation of the title of this post and my occupation......
So on Sunday Ross and myself travelled down the the Horatia for this...

I wouldn't have gone had Brendan not asked. I didn't have unrealistic expectations for this little event, as Harry had told me it would be shit in a drawn out semi conscientious not too rude kinda manner the previous night. He wasn't far off.....

Besides the point, it was a free event in a warm pub with homemade cake and lots of stuff to feast eyes on. Whilst some of the stuff there was more crappy than crafty...some of the products there were amazing. I particularly took quite a penchant for a bleeding eyed Jesus sculpture that had to be the least Christian thing i've ever seen. It was so beautiful, and i gotta say, wasn't half bad priced, but i was not expecting to see proper artwork, just tat... and neither did my wallet. (holy crap, apologies for the ludicrous amount of coma's in that sentence)i'm sure i took the guys business card, so maybe one day... if i win the lottery, i'll be the proud owner of a piece of his work. *fingers crossed*

The more cheap and cheerful stuff that took my fancy was some stuff from here

I particularly liked their "faux taxidermy"...

and their paper dolls....
