Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Just work

So it feels like it's been forever and a day since i blogged a tattoo pic, so i dug up 4 that were done recently to prove i have still been working. Pieman left for the land down under at 6 am this morning, and it looks like we're gonna have a newbie couch surfing tomorrow, so it's still a very very full house. 2morrow is my day off.... thank god, and i'm gonna take Andy out for some proper Hong Kongness. Not drink/work/sleep.

Anyways, i actually have 2 other things.... no wait, 3 other things i really wanna blog about..... and hopefully i'll get that done tomorrow. So til then, here's some tattoodles.

So 1st up is todays doings, this piece is from a really old set of flash i banged out for our Halloween skulls, and it was just fun to do something that i'd drawn a while ago. Kinda weird too, coz i kept thinking "i woulda done this different, and this colour.....blah blah" but still really fun. It's bang on her sternum and she sat like a rock. 10 points. Andy did a cool tru til death skull on her boyfriend, but i don't think he took a pic, so no accompaniment i'm afraid!

Did this headache last night, i do not like circles within circles within circles. it is no fun to tattoo, but he sat well, and considering it's down on the wrist and super tight, i think it came out pretty clean.

Next up is another from earlier today, her 1st tattoo, super fun, stenciled on the calligraphy coz i aint taking chances messing up stuff i cant read, and just doodled on the blossoms. She sat real well too, i've had some great customers recently!

And lastly, a chinese mermaid for a young missy collecting mermaids from the respective counties she visits. Woulda preferred to do this in colour, but it was still fun to do something a little different.

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