Friday, February 26, 2010

knocking knees and bashing heads

so busy past few days, hance the block lack-age..... wednesday was me n ross' 4th wedding anniversary, so we started off the day in style with a little bowling, then we all went to ocean park. Seeing as i lost my camera, and Andy's camera is lacking in the battery department, no pics other than the extortioante ones we paid for from the ocean park people..... i'll try and get some scanned these next few days.

Yesterday me n andy tattooed a cool lil' guy we met at a gig last week. He got both his knee caps done..... at the same time. trooper i tell ya!

really fun piece, but super hard too. hard to reach, elbows flying, and everytime me or andy wiped the tattoo, the chair moved, so it was a challenge......

it was pretty hard to get decent pics coz his knees had swelled up so much, but here's the best we got....

my side....

andy's side....

hmm, what else, oh, here's a piece from earlier this week. i woulda preffered to have a little more free reign with the design and colours, but was still a fun piece to do on one of the brothers from Black Needle.

also had a really sweet guy from San Fransisco who's girlfriend fell in love with my work (she's halfway through a massive rib piece, so he got tattooed instead) come in and get a compass. the pics on my crappy spare camera, so once i've got it onto a computer, and if it's remotely in focus i'll post that too.

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