Monday, May 9, 2011

I'm alone but i'm drinkin' for 2

so the last few days have been pretty shitty to say the least. won't dwell.... at least not on here.... so without further ado.... here's what i just did on miss Sinead's tootsie.

the lines are all healed. did them a month or so ago...still got another side to colour, and hopefully will get some nice healed pics when it's all done n dusted.

so, yesterday i ended up wandering round covent garden. first off, stopped in my favorite little independent comic store, and bought this stuff....

also went to the Dover bookshop, spent a good hour or so perusing that place, and bought some cool postcard sets. no pics though, i think they are on my coffee table as i type. i'm at work. makes for complications.

oh, and found a store selling none other than LUCKY CHARMS! fuck yeah. guess what i ate today.

So in other news, we are having a friday the 13th shop debauchery day, BBQ, drinks, stupid tattoos. should be good. unfortunately everyone i know who i coulda invited all have jobs. people who have jobs normally work on fridays. meh.

so back to the point, went out and did some "gardening" coz some of the plants in the garden are seriously making a desperate attempt at freedom. don't think there's much danger of that happening seeing as they are firmly rooted in the ground. bless 'em for trying though. 

so coz we are having guests and a bbq, thought we'd tidy the garden up, i may have gotten a lil' carried away.

he looks pretty damn tidy to me. 

til next time.....

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