Wednesday, March 31, 2010

it's like a zoo up in here!

ok haven't had much work-wise to blog....but feel like i should at least blog something. so yesterday was an animal filled day of tattooing. (i always find it weird how stuff gets booked in in themes, like one day i'll just do script.....and one day i just do flowers, and one day....animals. i don't even think i do it subconsciously..... i think it's just..... weird.)

so 1st up is a fun little piece i squeezed in for a girl just visiting who was super keen, and it's for a good reason, so i couldn't say no!

was hard to get a good pics of either piece, right on the shoulder blade, but these'll do...

2nd up is kevin's second shark tattoo. his 1st one healed up really well, softened up perfectly.....and although i don't do a lot of stuff like this, change is good. This one was more difficult than his 1st, as we had no concrete refrence, just bits and bobs from various photos, but we managed.

Anyways, today was my day off, and it was nice just to veg out. it's been 3 months solid that we've had house guests..... first it was michelle, then pieman, then andy, then joe! it's been awesome having them, but it takes it's toll on your flat! so got a bit of cleaning done too.

Back at work tomorrow (oh, HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROSS!) it's 2:30am so it counts.....and then we are closed til sunday for easter, so it'll be real nice to have 2 days off in a row!

anyways, here's the new business card design.... wont see these for a while though coz i just found a massive stack of old
ones! typical!

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