Saturday, July 31, 2010

teenage mutant hippie turtles.....

"heroes in a half shell!"

so no medals for the person who figures out why this turtle is a little slow on the get go! weird fun little tattoo i just did.

it woulda been way more fun if my FAVORITE liner hadn't decided to go and bust a spring. totally sucks, i loved that 2nd hand hunk o' junk, and even though there's a new spring, it's ..... weird. i think it's a goner..... *sob* so now i gotta use all the liners i never really got round to running in/ tuning up perfect and well..... it kinda sucks. that's a lie. it BLOWS.

tomorrow i got super fun stuff booked in, it's all pirate themed.... i even squeezed a filthy thievin' parrot into the mix. uh huh!

speaking of pirates, danny came in a few weeks ago, and ross took some "healed" photos of his leg. (they are so not healed, they are super shiny, and the hairs still scabby) but whatever.... here's the "healed" pic.....

besides it not being healed, i have to say i am super happy with how the grey wash healed. i normally never use washes, but now i seen how it heals..... i probably still will never use washes, but it's nice to know i can. so there.

anyways, i'm shutting up for the day (the shop and my mouth) coz i gotsta go join ross and Live Fast Die! band practice. yeah, you read right....i said "join".

"why" you ask....

well, because they are playing rockit festival and the only way to get a free ticket and get backstage is if u r in a band.... and seeing as arthur has to work.... i think they could use some vocal back up. right?! yeah..................

oh, that reminds me, Star Crossed are selling tickets for the Friday at Rockit, so you know where to come lay your grubby little hands on them now!

til tomorrow y'all.....

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