Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Wasted daze

OK, quick post for yesterdays tattoo. Hopefully i'll get a healed pic in the future, but that never happens, so when i say "hopefully" i mean "if hell freezes over".

I've been having some trouble with pics not coming up bigger once u click on them, i dunno if this will, (try it and see) but here's a few pics and 2 not spliced in case the sliced one don't get bigger...

We left it pretty open ended at the bottom in case he's gonna wanna extend it at some point.

So todays my day off, got no immediate drawing to do, and had so many plans.... but it's 5:30pm and i haven't left the house yet. Never a good sign. That's what happens when u stay up til 6am watching Medium, huh? OK, enough blogging, i'm going out, maybe....i'll have something to blog about later! Did some more awesome shopping yesterday, got an awesome black shirt....i don't know how to describe it..... OK, Ross thought I was buying it for Halloween. I wasn't.  It's gotten to the point where if Ross hates what i wear/buy, i'm almost certain it's awesome. He seems to think i like dressing like a granny..... and maybe i do.

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