Sunday, December 27, 2009


no i ain't straight edge, not even close, this is the blog of the 3 x mas days, eve, day and boxin'.

OK, where to start..... Christmas eve me n Ross had a quite night in,  (he fell asleep on the sofa and Milo made himself comfy!

 i gave all the dogs their treats. Milo can eat more than a horse, it's absurd..... so this kept him busy for a while. he even carried it into bed.

look at his little content!

So then Christmas day me n Ross exchanged presents. we are pretty short on cash right now, and with Singapore 10 days away, we didn't spend much. Ross got an awesome new jacket and an Ashley Wood book. I got an Oyster boy figurine and a Stain boy figurine (they r from this)

OK so then we had the most ghetto lunch ever, nachos and 20 dollar wine(hong kong dollar..... 20 hong kong dollars, u don't wanna know it tasted like!)

i love eating up on the roof, I'm definitely gonna miss the roof when we leave!

so for dinner i had booked a restaurant, which ended up raping my wallet and my taste buds. it was pretty bad food, and way too expensive. plus, i had the displeasure of sitting next to the most obnoxious Canadian ever, who treated his wife like a slave. not cool.

So then on Boxing day we had friends round for a BBQ....on the roof (did i say how much i love my roof?!

Milo was tired, the other dogs were very well behaved, and therefore got fed lots of leftovers!

Milo got spoilt once Janine's maternal side stepped up too though!

We finally had enough people round to play Pictionary man too! (it's an awesome game)...

lots of hand gestures, (u can't tell from this pic too well, but believe me!

this is Lara's idea of a "professor" i don't think we guessed that one!

The best run of guesses i had went from this to this....
  • Jew
  • Amish
  • Tony Blair
  • Maggie Thacher
The answer was actually Oliver Cromwell...

Oh, and i made vegan cookies for Pranjal (who's girlfriend is opening a vegan bakery in Oakland). these are ginger and lemon sugar cookies.

we made a mini BBQ to keep the vegan food separate too, and i found out that burning coal indoors is Hong Kong's version of sitting in your car in the garage with the engine running. I had no idea.....

so there are loads of suicide hot lines and stuff on the coal packets.

i don't wanna stay on this subject, it's a sore spot for me, but thought i'd share about the coal....

ok, so anyways, merry christmas, and wishing y'all a pre-emptive Happy New Year!

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