Tuesday, December 29, 2009

You're 2 faced and they're both ugly

It's just dawned on me how soon the Singapore convention is... and how much i am looking forward to getting off this rock! wow, that could be grossly mis-interpreted..... i am looking forward to LEAVING HONG KONG FOR A WHILE. better? yeah...

Today was the last day at work before New Years eve, as tomorrow is the sacred wednesday, my day of rest. Somehow i got talked into going out to ladies night in Wan Chai, which is like my idea of hell, but i am broke, and "ladies" drink for free. God knows why it aint called 'skank ho's with no shame night'.... think it has a nice ring to it. I guess then i really wouldn't be caught dead there, and it's hard for me to turn down free drinks, so i guess it all works out for the best....

Think we're buggering off to Macau for New Years eve. Nothing really going on here that interests me so i figured i might as well go to something that doesn't interest me in a different country, and get duty free cigarettes while i'm at it, eh?!
We're hoping to spend most of the day there too, soak up some culture, get some photos of the cathedral n stuff n stuff. i love that place... (anyone who plans on going, make sure u go inside underneath....there's more than meets the eye)

See how i'm finding a silver lining to everything right now? 

Hmm, ok enough moaning,  did actually get some good concrete news about Andy coming to do his guest spot which i'm really looking forward to! It's the first time i've had a friend come do a spot, i've had many say they'll come, but it hasn't happened til now! I'm just as bad when it comes to stuff like that, but i'm hoping i'll fit a spot here and there next year before i move back to London.

I also good a good friend coming to Hong Kong right after i return from Singapore, Michelle from Retro Rebels is coming over for the international trade fair at the expo centre, then crashing with us for a few days. Looks like i'll be doing some commission work for their clothing line too which'll be fun!

We'll also have Electric Pick back from Denmark, so anyone who wants to book in with him please either e mail the shop at info@starcrossedtattoo.com or the man directly at pick@electricpick.com.

Oh, in other news, that t shirt i designed like..... 2 years ago for Murray's finally got printed. I'll be doing them a new design or 2 when i get a minute, the guy in contact with me is so chilled out, that you just can't get upset when stuff takes years to emerge from the factory and resurface some sort of vague memory from times past! (keep doing what you do buddy! Long live Murray's!)

wow, lots of links to keep y'all busy huh? Suppose y'all want some pics of some sort to gaze at? Well, here's a really nice photo of none other than my husband, Ross. This was for a really sweet guy's final project at uni (i think like 3 different guys did their final project on Ross..... weird....) Beautiful work though, 

and here's my ever so jolly banner for the Singapore convention.... (don't ask!) What's better than a little self deprecation and Chihuahua's right?

Today was really weird at the shop, i think lots of people must have made a New Years resolution last year to get a tattoo coz today was walk in after walk in, i was booked up anyway, and Rob wasn't in so sorry to everyone i couldn't fit in...i tried!

OK y'all have an awesome New Year! Here's to 2010!

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