Thursday, November 19, 2009


Winter is nature's way of saying, "Up yours."  ~Robert Byrne

OK, so this..... this "punk rock" half sleeve got started the other other day. Bless him, you shoulda seen his reference pics, they looked like the satanic spawn of avril lavigne and johnny rotten got holda some crayons. After i dwindled about 150 things into a few manageable select few, we got started. 

I figured we'd do it nice n bold, so out came the 14RL (a few little bits n bobs with a 5), but mostly 14 through n through. ended up kinda being fun, like the satanic spawn of me and Sloth from the Goonies got holda some crayons. 

I have to say, i really don't enjoy session work that much. Obviously i'll take it any day over tribal or a bunch of stars, but i find i almost forget about them, then i'll be flicking through the appointment book and it's like "oh, god..... i remember that...." then it's like, once i remember the piece, i'm all like "wow, has it really been that long? can it be healed and ready to go?" then i get all "where did we leave it.... what colours was i gonna .....oh whatever, i'll figure it out on the day!"

I much prefer when i'm all "right, we're gonna do this, this, and oooh, maybe some of this will look good next to this and then .....we're done! sweet! photo!! phew and finished."

does that make any sense..... at all?! 

oh i don't think i ever mentioned the back piece that i "have" to finish by christmas, coz he wants to reveal it at his office christmas party! i feel like i should start some new ad campaign, 
anyways, i hope he's not reading this, coz i aint sure it's psysically possible to finish in time, we'll see. maybe he'll start to heal like wolverine, and we can just go at it for like, 2 weeks day in day out! 

Anyways, just watched "500 days of Summer", and it was really good. Go watch it! It's cute!
It's been a while since i've seen a good romantic comedy, i think the last one was "The Wristcutters", which is probably one of my all time favorite films now (plus it has Tom Waits in it which is always a bonus! ).

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